Times Books
in association with The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
128 pages | 31 x 26 cm
Hardback / Clothbound
ISBN 978-0-81291-659-1
129 pages / 11.5 x 12.5 inc
ISBN 978-0-67941-578-7
With Melinda Hunt
Scalo Verlag
119 pages / 11.2 x 10 in
ISBN 978-3-93114-190-5
Privately published by Sunparks Art Projekt IV
Printed by: Steidl Verlag
32 pages / 25 x 30 cm
Hardback / Clothbound
Steidl Verlag
132 pages / 30.5 x 25.5 cm
Hardback / Clothbound
ISBN 978-3-86521-124-8
Steidl Verlag
112 pages / 22 x 15 cm
Paperback / softback / Softcover
ISBN 978-3-86521-278-8
Steidl Verlag
112 pages / 29.5 x 24.7 cm
Hardback / Clothbound
ISBN 978-3-86930-434-2
Steidl Verlag
326 pages / 29.5 x 24.5 cm
Book / Clothbound
ISBN 978-3-86930-309-3
Steidl Verlag
134 pages | 39 x 30.5 cm
Hardback / Clothbound
ISBN 978-3-88243-915-1
Steidl Verlag
photographs by Frank Gohlke and Joel Sternfeld
text by Suketu Mehta
156 pages / 32 x 28 cm
Hardback / Clothbound
ISBN 978-3-95829-032-7
Hilmer Publishers
introduction by: Lynn Gumpert
With texts by Dale Jamieson, Chris Wiley and Joel Sternfeld
160 pages, 80 colour illustrations
25,5 x 28 cm, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-7774-2989-2
Steidl Verlag
112 pages / 48 x 40 cm
Hardback / Clothbound
ISBN 978-3-95829-263-5
An Article from The New Yorker by Chris Wiley
An article from Washington Post by Kenneth Dickerman and Joel Sternfeld
A review from White Hot Magazine by Deborah Krieger
A review from The Financial Times
An article from the British Journal of Photography
An article from The Guardian
A review from The Boston Globe
A review from Art in America
A review from Capital New York
by Rozalia Jovanovic
A review from The Wall Street Journal
by William Meyers
A review from The Guardian
by Sean O'Hagan
When It Changed, 2012
Images: Joel Sternfeld | Text: Joel Sternfeld & Chad Matheny | Music: Chad Matheny
SD film excerpt, duration: 14 minutes 00 seconds
London Bridge, 2016
Director/Producer: Joel Sternfeld | Cinematographer: Daniel Traub | Sound: José Araujo | Editor: Scott A. Burgess | Gondolier: David Jensen | The Couple: Christ Starr and Alyssa Porras
Director/Producer: Joel Sternfeld | Editior: Joel Sternfeld, Xueqing Yin and Michael Grenadier